Newsletter October 20, 2011

I have to apologize for missing so many months, but I had to go back to selling real estate full time to try to dig myself out of debt.

After many requests I am including a brief description of the protocol at the end of this news letter that you can print out and follow. I am also working on a book to download and a DVD of me explaining the process on a video for those of you who just do not want to read anything. It will take some time and money to make it available on the web site but it is a goal now. If you want to make a donation to this cause please use the Donate with PayPal button on my site or email me.

I have now consulted with people from all over the world; England, India, Canada, China, Australia, Hungary; which means this has spread all over the world.

Read more: Newsletter October 20, 2011

Newsletter 3

Update March 17, 2011

As I write this newsletter I am encouraged at the success of many of you who have notified me of your progress out of hell. It makes my efforts worthwhile to know the site is making a difference in the lives of so many suffering people.

I have now been convinced to recommend 2 new products.  This is a big deal since my policy is to only recommend what has worked for me and 100’s of others. A recent mite victim who owned a vitamin company just started my protocol and has had great success from using the Swiss Formula bodywash, sunscreen and fogging with Cedarcide. He has suggested a purified refined cat’s claw known as Samento. He told me that a Lyme’s disease victim used it to overcome her condition and that all irritating components have been filtered out of it making it purer and stronger. Since from my own experience I know that cat’s claw worked for me, both topically and internally, I am convinced that a more powerful potency will work even better.

Read more: Newsletter 3

May 2011 Newsletter May 2011 Newsletter

It is my sincerest prayer that this newsletter will reach those of you who are still confused and suffering and that it will bring some light of truth and hope into your life. To those who are well or are feeling benefitted by my site, PLEASE write me and let me know so I can post it without your name ( just initials) so that others will trust the information on my site and find their way out of the hell this thing creates as well. Please care about the others still suffering. I know for most when this is gone they never want to look back, but it is kind to reach back and give some help to those still in need. There are those who can’t afford the fogger so if you have the means you can help one of them as a thank you to me.

Read more: May 2011 Newsletter


Newsletter #2 Feb 21, 2011

As I write this second newsletter my heart goes out to all of you who are suffering. I know firsthand the unbelievable torture this plague causes. I want to stress once more that you now have access to what works; you need to be 100 percent committed to correct application and procedure. I know it seems impossible but you will not have to do it forever. In fact, experience shows that the more accurate you do the protocol in the beginning the less time you will need to keep on doing it. So many skip things or omit steps I recommend and then complain that what I recommend did not work. Upon careful examination there is usual something that is overlooked; and easy chair that constantly creates activity when sat in but is a favorite the person just could not let go of, expensive leather shoes that can’t be parted with although the user has most symptoms affecting their feet. Papers were the culprit in my case and every time I had to revisit my files for a court case I was in I got re-infected. Many have moved and taken it with them. Many have even tented their houses (against my advice) and still have it.


Update - Plant Fungus Identified in Victim

April 23, 2011

Positively Identified plant fungus found in victim!

This may be the most important newsletter I have yet to send. One of the victims I have been consulting with went to a Dr. who tested her using Asurya diagnostic equipment. (  I know it works since the best doctor here on Maui, who unfortunately moved to Germany, was proficient in using it and proved many times to be accurate. To convince you of this fact let me explain why I am a believer. I had reoccurring sinus infections for over 15 years and suspected a pocket left by extraction of a wisdom tooth. Every year I would ask my dentist who assured me there was nothing wrong in my mouth because my gums and teeth looked perfect.  He would X-ray my mouth and it would show no cavities. At one point I had 360 degree X-rays taken by a reputable dentist in California who also insisted that my teeth were not contributing to my sinus infections. Since I had no other illness in over 25 years I believed this was the cause but could not prove it. I went on the Vega diagnostic machine ( just like the Asyra) just to screen out any allergic foods. T he machine revealed that my tooth was rotten and infecting my sinuses.  I did not have any symptoms at the time of this testing.  Not only that, but without even looking into my mouth he told me which tooth. I went to my dentist and insisted he pull the tooth. He X-rayed again and refused to pull a “healthy” tooth.  After assuring him I would take all responsibility for pulling it he agreed. To his shock the tooth had completely rotted away above the gum line but the decay only appeared to be a shadow in the X-rays. My dental hygiene was so thorough that even my gums around this tooth looked normal. The roots to this tooth where infecting my sinus above them. I never had the sinus infection again. This is just one of the many things I witnessed as far as the accuracy of these diagnostic computers. See YouTube explanation on how it works (

Read more: Update - Plant Fungus Identified in Victim

Clarification of Symptom Sources

Newsletter #1

January 14, 2011

I want to clarify some of the symptoms experienced by the people that are suffering from this condition. Although originally I believed that I was being bitten, the evidence so far clearly shows that this is not the case. There are two sets of symptoms from different sources.

The first set of symptoms comes from the Collembola insect. One of the symptoms is the crawling sensation which has recently been documented as being attributed to the Collembola insect. We know this because not only did I submit specimens to the Vector Control of my local health department, but many others have acquired specimens based on my instructions as well (get a specimen). Not only does this confirm that an insect is involved, but the insect specialists have analyzed the specimens and found no physical parts that could sting or bite. One anomaly is finding this insect inside a house or structure that does not have any sort of drainage, mold, or humidity problems. This may be due to some sort of genetic modification of this insect.

Read more: Clarification of Symptom Sources



See the email I got from them today pasted below ( I added the price per gallon for FYI)
I urge you to get what you can at the old price. Not sure why they did this but owner did mention recently that he had not raised any of his prices in last 10 years. PCO stayed the same Best Yet was increase for all their customers unfortunately it included us.


Dr Supports my Opinion

Although I've now been told that many of the Morgellons consultants and people working on Morgellons say there are no insects involved, here is the doctor we recommend who is working to cure Morgellons expressing his opinion which confirms my beliefs as well.

"Morgellon's has been a very difficult disease to conquer, because it is strange and it is complex. We have recently had a breakthrough in understanding its complexity. Not only are there mutated (engineered) arthropods such as insects and mites present (morgons), there are also, in many cases, engineered nematodes (e-nematodes), engineered molds (e-molds) and strange fibers which we will call e-fibers. Apparently these engineered infectious agents transfer alien genes from one species to another creating a continuously mutating mix of infectious agents."

Read more: Dr Supports my Opinion

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